jeudi 12 mars 2015

What not to do when writing a scientific paper.

An excellent post by Pr. R Hyndman about basic rules of journal manuscript rejection. While my research topic are far away form forecasting, it is clear that all rules are directly appliable for Automatic Control in general and Fault Detection and Diagnosis in particular.

So, if you want to succeed in your submission, it is about :

  1. Choosing the right journal
  2. Providing an up to date bibliography including references and citations from the journal you're submitting to and the best journals around.
  3. Contributing new ideas - not "epsilon" developments.
  4. Choosing wisely you illustrative experimentations or simulations and comparing your approach to the best works around.
  5. Refraining from "obviously" discutable claims - the reviewers are not stupid.
The initial post is here.

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